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Established in 1975

The Fredericton Concert and Marching Band is the official band of the city of Fredericton, New Brunswick.


Formed in 1975, the Fredericton Concert and Marching Band, or FCMB, is a community band with members of all ages and from all walks of life, currently under the direction of Heather Fyffe.


The FCMB typically gives 2 or 3 indoor sit-down concerts throughout the year as well as two outdoor performances as part of the City of Fredericton’s annual Officer’s Square Summer Concert series.  You can also catch us in local events such as the Remembrance Day Ceremony, Santa Claus Parade, and the Mayor’s Tree Lighting Ceremony.


We are always looking for new members!  If you play a band instrument, drop by at one of our rehearsals and check us out!  We practice most Monday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. at George Street Middle School during the school year and at Odell Lodge during the summer months.​

Our Sponsors

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© 2024 Fredericton Concert & Marching Band


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